

These people are so disconnected from nature and reality that they can't even cure the common cold. How do they expect that any of this tech will help when it's all pumped up by corrupt industries? Maybe that's why they still believe in the fairy tale of mRNA and crispr, both of which failed and keep failing?

(*Perhaps to escape the “inevitability of death,” Peter Thiel and other billionaires are pouring millions into startups and other organizations working towards extending lifespans, reversing aging, and perhaps thwarting death itself. In Thiel’s own words, it will be possible to “reverse all human ailments in the same way that we can fix the bugs of a computer program. Death will eventually be reduced from a mystery to a solvable problem.”)

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I wouldn't trust Webb one iota for what it's worth.

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Why’s that, British Biker Philippines? Not even one single iota? What’s the going rate on iotas, anyway?

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Readers would have every reason to 'trust' this vague comment even less, as it is not worth anything.

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This isn't Twitter; you have all the space and time you need to express your reasoning.

And this is how you chose to do so? Very compelling.

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